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PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPMENT is a very important chapter for B.Ed./M.Ed. and other teaching competitive points of views. In this session we will provide you the best notes of this topic General principles of development.



What is Development?

The overall change in shape, structure and function of organ is called development. The development is both quantitative and qualitative (Growth is quantitative only).

Development is continuous throughout the life of an individual.


1.      Principle of Heredity and Environments

Every individual is born with in-built quality biologically from their parents called heredity. Also, Individual will interact with surrounding environments results in the transformation of their personality. So, by the constant interaction of environments the development of individual takes place.

2.      Principle of continuity

Development starts from the birth and of the child and continue throughout the life of an individual. The rate of development is not uniform throughout the life for example for infant stage physical growth is faster and gradually slower on later stage.

3.      Principle of general to specific

Development always proceeds from general to specific, for a baby is whole world has no meaning but later on development takes place and the child learns some specific behavior.

4.      Principles of individual difference

Development is not alike in every individual according to their heredity and environment’s role their development process affected. The difference rate of development of every individual is called individual difference.

5.      Principle of Integration

Development proceeds from whole to part or part to whole and in this way the integration of these parts takes place. For example a child first know hand movement then finger movement and then learn movement of together hand and finger is called integration.

6.      Principle of predictability

Development is predictable it follows a uniform pattern with generalized sequences. This gives a way for prediction. By the help of pattern we can predict at which age the children will learn to walk, speak and so on.

7.      Principle of Cephalocaudal

Development proceeds from head to toe(Cephalocaudal) before standing child gains control over head and arms and then over legs.

8.      Principle of Proximodistal

Development takes place from centre to periphery or outwards by this middle part of the body develops quicker than outer part of the body. For example whole arm and leg movements were observed and then knee and elbow control is gained and finally specialized in movement of fingers.


9.      Principle of changes

By the development process the changes like physical changes (Height, weight etc.), changes in proportion, disappearance of old features and acquisition of new features takes place.

10. Principle of maturation and learning

Development is the product of maturation and learning it proceeds from simple to complex. First child learns through concrete objects and then moves to abstract thinking.

11. Development is spiral

Development not proceed in a linear path, it has a spiral path. In a particular period of development individual take rest to consolidate their development. After advancing they turn back and moves forward again like a spiral.

12. Principles of uniformity

Development is continuous throughout the life but it is not uniform. Sometimes it is slower and sometimes faster.


Principle of development is one of most important concepts for a teacher to deal with their children’s. It has a number of educational implications which make it very important in the field of education.

Hello,I am Suryakanta and i am a professional blogger.

Articles: 91


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