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If you are preparing for teaching exam or you are a student of B.Ed. then Erikson theory is one of the important concept of it. You are in right place if you are searching for it In this session we will discuss the stages of Erikson theory and some important point which will be useful for various exam.



Erikson modified Sigmund Freud psychosexual development to psychosocial theory. According to him ego plays an important role in development by mastering ideas skills knowledge and attitude Erikson divided development in eight stages into age span of human being .He also put some task in each development stages fulfillment of such result in healthy personality failure to which leads to sense of inadequacy.

  I. Trust vs mistrust ( birth to 12 month)

Infants are completely dependent upon their caretakers that is their parents or someone who take care of them . By this help infant gather sense of trust towards them failing to which leads to feeling of anxiety fear and mistrust in infants were treated cruelly or they need not meet they will develop sense of mistrust among people of world.

   II. Autonomy vs Shame ( 1-3 year )

This is also called Toddler stage in this stage they can control their action they can easily distinguish food, toys and clothing this is also known as ‘me do it’ stage when children can choose their choice of food or toys or clothes they begin to develop sense of independence if a child denied to do such they may begin to doubt their ability and develop the feeling of shame.

  III. Initiative vs Guilt (3 to 6 year)

Also known as preschool stage where children begin to explore word by the mode of social interaction and play in this stage children has the task to plan and achieve the goal by social interactions so that they can develop self-confidence parents place an important role in this stage on successful children or over controlling parents can harm and may result in development of sense of guilt.

  IV. Industry vs inferiority ( 6 to 12 year)

Also called as  elementary school stage in this stage child begins to compare themselves with the peers by means of schoolwork personality sports activities and family life in case they do not mark up the need they started feeling inferior and inadequate which can be be harmful in latter stage in the life.

  V. Identify vs Role confusion( 12 to 18 year)

This is also called adolescence stage in this adolescent started thinking about their role in society they have tried to solve many problems by their own adolescent those are success in this stage developed a strong sense of identity and are able to solve many problems in life this stage may result in development of weak sense of confidence and role confusion for future.

  VI. Intimacy vs isolation ( 20-40 year)

This is stage of early adulthood, in this stage a person ready to share life with others by the sense of self dependent . If the stages before these are successful resolved person can stay happy in their relationship with others,  failing to which may result development of sense of loneliness and emotional isolation.

 VII. Generativity and Stagnation ( 40- 60 year)

Middle adulthood stage is the stage in which a person started volunteering and monitoring children a person started thinking about next generation and do useful work for society failing to which development of stagnation.

  VIII. Integrity and Despair ( 60 to end of life)

Late adulthood stage is the stage a person develops sense of satisfaction or sense of failure by the work of their whole life people those are not successful in life may develop sense of bitterness ,depression and despair they also reflect what they can be in life and what they achieve in life.

2. Advantage

I. It  precisely described the development tasks required in each stage of life

II. It highlights the development of a human from birth to death

III. It helps in taking necessary decision for a person at any age

IV. It clear cuts the positive and negative effect of a person at any stage

V. It is very helpful for education researcher practitioner

 3. Educational implication

I. Help educator to adapt teaching strategy

II. Helps in choosing the right career path and goal

III.  Help in development of independent thinking of children

IV. Helps in development of social skills

V. Helps in career guidance of a person

VI. Flexible teaching learning environment

VII. involvement of parent in development of a child

 4. Conclusion

Erickson social theory describes various dimensions of development in every stage of life it is helpful in development of holistic aspect of a person by providing necessary guidance and strategy in the right time.

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Hello,I am Suryakanta and i am a professional blogger.

Articles: 91

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